Sunday, January 3, 2010

A California Christmas

I heard some people talking downstairs and went to see. Abby, Daniel and Izzy and their families are have an after Christmas dinner. Everyone was there except Granddad. I wonder where he was hiding?

After breakfast the next morning, I watch Abby and Izzy work on an important project

And Will and Alex build Lego rockets to take a trip to outer space.

Abby and Izzy ride the wild seesaw and Will and Alex's old school. I watch a fat goat watch them.

Abby gets ready to wrap Izzy in seaweed.

Instead, they collect seeweed. It will make a great piggy lunch!

Izzy's mom washes the sand out of her hair to get ready to return to Altadena.

After Izzy leaves for home, Abby and Daniel take their family for a walk on Carmel beach

Daniel gets his first look at the Pacific Ocean.

Abby demonstrates her rock climbing skills.

And walks near the ocean. Watch out for that big wave, I shout!
That's not a big wave, says Abby. It's Pebble Beach!

Granddad takes a picture of Will taking a picture.

The next moring, the house is very quite, and I wonder where everyone is.

Abby's beautiful sea colletion is still here.

But her butterfly chair is empty.

And there are no presents left under the tree.

Daniel's crib is empty.

Lots of Legos and pictures of Izzy, Daniel, and a tiny Abby.

But no one at all to drink tea with.

Max, Stimpy, and I wait for Daniel by his favorite boxes, but Daniel has gone back to Rochester.

Christmas is a wonderful time, but I'm sad when everyone goes home!