Monday, May 25, 2009

An Amazing Dream!

Where is Famous Pink Piggy hiding? Granddad and Noni looked everywhere, but she was nowhere to be found. One day Max was sniffing around in the car and he started tapping a box between the front seats with his paw.

We opened it, and to our great surprise, there was Pink Piggy sound asleep!
Pink Piggy woke up slowly, for she had been asleep for many months. She is very hungry, so Clifton offered to share his dinner.

I prefer Korean, but this is pretty good. Thank you, Clifton!

Let me tell you about my most amazing dream! In my dream, I saw a tiny bright spot in the sky.

It came closer, and I could almost see what is was.

Finally, I realized that it was a tiny pink piggy!

I'm here on a visit from very far away, said Tiny Pink Piggy.

How very wonderful, I answered. We can have adventures together. Let's go visit cousin Izzy!

We flew south, over the Big Sur lighthouse. Can you spot Tiny Pink Piggy on my back?

Izzy and her Daddy were most interested to meet Tiny Pink Piggy. Where did you come from, they asked. From far, far away answered Tiny Pink Piggy in a tiny squeaky voice.

We went to dinner in a fancy Mexican restaurant. The beans were very good...

But we like the chips and salsa best of all!

Izzy was celebrating her second birthday. These are very unusual birthday cakes. They don't look like piggys as all!

This is Izzy favorite present. I think it is called a pigacorn.

We said goodbye to Izzy and decided to see if we could visit Abby and her brother Daniel.

We flew over glamorous Las Vegas.

And the beautiful and wild Rocky Mountains.To Abby and Daniel's house.

Abby and Daniel's mom greeted us under Abby's beautiful apple tree, which in my dream had grown very large. Where are Abby and Daniel? we asked. Oh, said Abby and Daniel's mom, I'm sorry, but you've missed them. Abby is teaching poor children about archeology and endangered animals and Daniel is out riding his motorcycle. We said we were sorry not to see them, and to say hello. We hoped that Daniel didn't fall off his motorcycle.

Then, a strange thing began to happen.

Tiny Pink Piggy began to grow.

And grow.

And grow. Until he became Giant Tiny Pink Piggy!

I got a little scared, but Giant Tiny Pink Piggy said in a deep booming voice, Don't be afraid. You were so kind to me when I was plain old Tiny Pink Piggy and took me on many adventures. I will always be your friend.

I was very happy in my dream, and just then Grandad opened the box in the car and I woke up.

We went into the house, and guess who was waiting!

Hello, my name is Tiny Pink Piggy, and I'm your new little brother.

I know, I said.